Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Homemade Coffee Liqueur

Here is our first video for our podcast. It was shot, edited, and published completely on Wayne's iphone using iMovie. We had a great time making it and we hope you use it to make your own amazing Coffee Liqueur. We call it homemade Kahlua, but only so people can relate to what it is. It is Wayne's mom's recipe and she has been making it for years. We hope it helps you make your own amazing cocktail!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Grape Smash

So a few months ago we visited Brian at Myth here in Omaha and he took me behind the bar and taught me how to make this amazing little cocktail. Look for more videos coming soon!

Episode 17

It's the holiday season! In this episode we talk about a few gatherings we had over the Halloween and Thanksgiving holidays as well as some of our favorite cocktails for the season. The picture above is our "Burkey" a bacon topped turkey we made. Keep checking the blog as we will be updating with new recipes and video very soon.